Well, I started on my Weightwatcher’s journey, again, Thursday, April 14th.  I am a lifetime member and have been for many years, but I have not been at my goal weight in years.  (Actually, I’d be thrilled to reach the weight I was when I first began WW in 1983.)  So, after looking at my closet filled with clothes I can’t comfortably wear or some I can’t get in to, I decided to get serious.  So, I went this morning and stepped on the scale.  No, it didn’t scream when I stepped on it, but I almost did! 

            I refuse to purchase bigger clothes when I have beautiful clothes in my closet!  Also, I’m tired of paying for WW and not being serious about what I put in my mouth.  The bad thing is, since we’ve moved so close to many fantastic restaurants, Paul wants to eat out every night.  I know that’s no excuse, but it doesn’t help.  Being truthful, even when we didn’t eat out a lot, I was not diligent in writing down what I put in my mouth at every meal and in-between meals. Thus, I consumed more points (calories) than my body needed! 

            I have a friend who is going to WW with me.  This will make us both accountable.  Yes, she has been as inconsistent as I have been, so we will be each other’s ‘pep’ talker!  We all need encouragement in areas of our lives.  We all need a friend who will speak truthfully and kindly.   We don’t need someone who sighs with disgust when we fail.  We don’t need a lecture.  We just need a word of encouragement to continue our journey. 

            The writer of Hebrews says that we should consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works.  I know this wasn’t written about losing weight, but it’s still a truth…provoke one another unto love. The Message says, “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out,”…. So, this is what Liz and I will do while going to WW.  We will provoke each other to love.  And in love we will provoke each other to good works…getting healthy; taking care of these bodies that God has given us.  We only have one earth suit, so I want to honor God with the one I have. 

            So, I will journal my journey here for my sake!!  This will help keep me accountable.  Prayers appreciated!  

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