“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things,”  Philippians 4:8

Thinking! This is where our biggest battles take place, the mind!  There’s never a time we are not thinking.  Our minds are continually active.  To think means to ponder, to give proper weight and value to.  Now, we can choose to meditate on thoughts that continually come into our minds, or we can just let the thoughts pass.  It’s our choice as to what we meditate on.  The verse above gives us what we should ‘ponder, think on, meditate’ on as Christians.

            What is true?  Reality shows on tv are not true.  Most of what’s on tv isn’t true.  Yet, it captures our minds, and we begin to believe what we see.  We forget that every show is edited to show you only what they want you to see and believe.  However,  God’s Word is without question, for we know it contains all truth.  This world is full of lies and deceit, but we can know when we turn to His Word we will hear truth. “The sum of Your word is truth [the full meaning of all Your precepts], And every one of Your righteous ordinances endures forever.”  Psalms 119:160

      What is honorable?   Honest is a great word for honorable.  How many of us ‘stretch’ the truth and aren’t being honest about things? Upstanding, upright, straightforward are a few words for honorable.

      What is just?  Righteous and innocent are two words that explain ‘just’.  Are we equitable (another word for just) in our life?  

      What is pure?  Thinking on whatever is pure entails filling our minds with thoughts that are innocent, virtuous, clean, not contaminated by anything evil, and free from every defilement. Pure thinking should infuse every area of our lives, including what we watch, read, and do. Our thoughts of a sensual nature, morality, ethics, spirituality, and worship all need to be characterized as pure. Thinking about whatever is pure will lead us away from sin, guilt, and shame and closer to God.

      What is lovely? When we think on “whatever is lovely,” we are dwelling on things that inspire us and others to love one another. The Bible contains many passages to help us meditate on this particularly worthy virtue. Start with 1 Corinthians 13. Here the apostle Paul commends the “more excellent way” of love. All other spiritual gifts pale in comparison to the greatest, which is love. Believers gain nothing—indeed, are nothing—without love.

      What is a good report?  It means to think on that which is reputable or well spoken of.  Why is it that bad news travels so fast and good news at a snail’s pace?  Let’s keep our minds on the things that are good…that makes us joyful, happy, excited, rejoicing, praising.

The way we think will determine how we feel. What we see and what we hear has a lot to do with what we think on….meditate on.  A thought is not sin…it’s when we decide to meditate on the wrong thing that it becomes sin.  So, we must guard our hearts.    “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23

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