We all have friends or loved ones who have graduated to heaven….those who impacted our lives and left a void, even though we didn’t see each other very often. 

     One such friend was Carrell Balltzglier.  She and her husband, Don, traveled with us in ministry for eight years, along with some of their family. We always said we looked like Barnum and Bailey Circus pulling into a town in our bus and their fifth wheel trailers.  These were some wonderful years with godly people who love Jesus and had a heart for ministry.

     Carrell was the matriarch of the family.  She was a gifted pianist.  When she touched the keys of the piano, it was like heaven coming down.

I recall the night that God healed my back. Carrell was ministering on the piano the song I sang so many times….”He is our peace, cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you.”  It was as though God was speaking directly to me as she played this song….cast all your care on Me, Billie. I did!  Hallelujah!  He healed me!  

     I can still hear Carrell and Don singing, Every Need Supplied, and they believed this! They were totally dependent of God to meet every need they had, and as they traveled the road with us, God truly met all our needs.

     Carrell fought pancreatic cancer for 3 years.  She told us that she knew it was prayer keeping her alive.  Yes, she trusted her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and knew without a doubt that she would meet him face to face one day, but she asked for a few more years with her family.  God granted that prayer because the doctor had given her only 3 months after the diagnosis.

     To say she will be missed is an understatement.  I loved this precious friend, and I know I will see her, again. 

Just think of stepping on shore and finding it heaven, of touching a hand and finding it God’s, of breathing new air and finding it celestial, of waking up in heaven, and finding it Home.  Carrell Balltzglier is HOME.

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